Welcome to Stockton MS Group's Web site.
Our aim is to provide a focus for people with MS, their carers, family and friends.  We provide social events and interactions that would not otherwise exist in our area; this is funded and run on a voluntary basis. 
Helping people in the area of Stockton on Tees, Cleveland, UK.

Stockton MS Group is an independent charity registered no. 1032397

donate now

Stockton MS Group reg charity 1032397
The only method we can accept at the moment is by cheque.
Cheques should be made payable to:- Stockton MS Group
These should be sent to: Stockton MS Group
c/o 74 Windermere Road
Stockton on Tees
TS18 4LY

or click to donate via PayPal

volunteer now

We are always looking for, and welcome volunteers who can spare any of their time to help with the varied activities of the group. Working with us is very worthwhile and can be personally very rewarding for everyone involved. Areas where you can help in are:-

Providing support at social events
Visiting and befriending people with MS
Volunteering can be a big step for anyone, offering their time and effort for something they’re not really familiar with. You don’t need to have MS or know someone with it to volunteer, we treat everyone as individuals and you can be sure of a warm welcome. For further information e-mail info@stocktonmsgroup.org.uk or contact Carol on 01642-617864
take part

You can help us by becoming a member, the annual membership fee, renewable every November is £5.00. Payment can be by cheque or postal order and should be made out to “Stockton MS Group” and sent with a completed form which you can click here to load and print. Please send your completed membership form and fee to:-

Stockton MS Group
74 Windermere Road
Stockton on Tees
TS18 4LY

Come to our drop-in's
See the details of our weekly drop-in events in the About Us section.
about Us